STD Clinic
STD Clinic in Marietta, GA
What are STDs?
The term "STD" refers to sexually transmitted diseases. This is a whole subtype of viral disease that spread from human to human via sexual activity. However, not all sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted solely via sexual acts. Many can also be passed by contact with an infected person's blood or other fluids, and STDS are frequently passed along due to the use of used needles, during emergency responses, and more.
Because of this, STDs have become one of the primary focuses of those interested in population-wide health considerations. STDs tend to spread quickly and with little warning, and it’s such a problem that several cities consider them to be an epidemic, and some countries have taken major efforts to slow their spread. For example, France has recently decided to make condoms freely available to everyone across the country. Similar measures have been made here to lesser degrees, and new attempts to quell the STD problem are being made every day.
Unfortunately, due to the very private nature of how STDs are contracted and how they affect people, many individuals neglect treatment or outright refuse to get STD screening in Marietta, GA. This is another reason STDs are such a massive problem. They go undiagnosed, spread to others, and get underreported.
What are the Types of STDs?
There are several STDs that are commonly found in the United States. Some of them are more serious than others, but they are all horrible diseases to deal with when you’re diagnosed. Luckily, many of them are treatable or even curable.
First, we’ll talk about one of the most serious STDs you can develop. HIV/AIDS is a two-phase illness. When contracted, it is a fairly mild condition that needs to be maintained and treated frequently, but it’s not too life-changing in terms of physical effects on your health. However, it can be very mentally taxing, and it completely changes the way your relationships and sex life are handled. Luckily, HIV is treatable, and it is now possible to live a long, full life with HIV. The issue becomes far more serious when HIV is able to progress to AIDS. AIDS is a deadly illness that is treatable, but once a patient has progressed to AIDS, they are usually considered to be terminally ill. There is no known cure for HIV or AIDS, but with regular screening, you can catch it early enough to prevent terminal illness.
Next, you have Syphilis. Syphilis is an extremely serious disease, but it’s nowhere near as bad as AIDS if you catch it quickly enough. Syphilis is mostly known for its red, unsightly sores that cause a high level of pain for patients. If left untreated, Syphilis can cause fatal heart and brain conditions very quickly. Luckily, Syphilis is curable, and there are a number of treatments to help victims recover from the damage it causes. You have to catch Syphilis quickly, though. That’s a reason for frequent STD screening. You can catch Syphilis via the exchange of sexual fluids or touching the sores that form in Syphilis patients without protection.
Hepatitis comes in two forms: B and C. Type B is a curable disease, and Type C is currently only treatable. Both types of Hepatitis infect the liver over time. However, with the cure for Type B, that infection can be removed. Unfortunately, a Type C diagnosis will eventually lead to liver failure unless new, more effective, treatment options are developed.
Genital herpes is another disease that is high on the list of concerns for the medical field. Its effects aren’t as dramatic as Hepatitis C or AIDS, but it is unfortunately incurable. Genital herpes is characterized by warts that it forms on the genital region, and it can be transmitted via oral sex or vaginal sex. Another unfortunate part of genital herpes is that warts and all physical signs of the disease disappear at random; making it possible to contract the disease without any sort of warning.
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are less fatal on their own, but they are serious problem for women. While they are painful and uncomfortable for men and women to deal with, they can cause reproductive cancers in women, and they can damage the reproductive system; causing complications in pregnancies for both the parent and child involved. Luckily, these STDs are curable when they’re discovered. The treatment takes a considerable length of time, but it is effective, and it can help prevent more serious problems from occurring.
Finally, there’s HPV. This is a common STD with deadly consequences. It can cause the development of cervical cancer. It also shares a lot in common with herpes, because it causes the same type of sores and blisters that characterize that disease. HPV can cause cancer, but luckily, there have been recent advancements that allow the health problems caused by HPV to be treated.
STD Treatment – Clinical Care
STD treatments vary depending on the STD you contract. For diseases that aren’t curable, the focus is typically put on preventing the disease from spreading to others and mitigating the effect the symptoms have on your health. This is particularly true with diseases such as HEP-C and AIDS.
However, the treatment for other diseases can be fairly straightforward. Anti-viral medications can be used to cure certain STDs over the course of a few weeks, and other medications can be used to lessen your symptoms while dealing with that.
Then, in certain cases, the bulk of the symptoms are allowed to pass on their own. This is mostly true when you contract genital herpes. There is no cure for it, but the signs of it do go away sporadically.
Regardless of which STD you’ve contracted, it is important to receive proper screening and treatment as soon as possible. Even curable diseases can have deadly consequences if gone unchecked.
Why is Patient Care for Patients with STDs Important?
The need for patient care for STD patients is two-fold.
First, there are the patient's needs. The patient has contracted a potentially deadly illness, and if they don’t receive help quickly, that becomes even more of a problem. All of the aforementioned diseases can be lived with for long periods of time; even HIV and HEP-C.
The other side of it is the impact the disease can have on others. If someone who is infected with an STD continues to have sex, knowingly or unknowingly, each of their partners can contract the disease; leading to the widespread STD problems the country has, today.
If you are sexually active and need regular STD screening, or you have been diagnosed with an STD, seek clinical help from our STD clinic in Marietta, GA.