Our Practitioners
Clinic Klinic in Marietta, GA
Manouchka Lominy MSN, APN-BC

Madam Manouchka Lominy se yon Enfimyè Praktisyonè ki sètifye nan Komisyon Konsèy ak plis pase 20 ane eksperyans divès kalite sante pwofesyonèl. Okòmansman, li te resevwa yon diplòm nan City College of City University of New York kòm yon enfimyè ki anrejistre. Apre plizyè ane pratik, li te ale nan Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University pou pouswiv yon metriz nan enfimyè ak yon konsantre sou swen sante fanm. Apre yon ane, li te resevwa sètifika post-mèt li nan Sante Adilt ak Enfimyè Praktisyonè Gerontology (NP).
Anplis bay swen nan Klinik Klinik, Madam Lominy se yon filantwòs. Li se fondatè Marching For Humanity, Inc., yon òganizasyon charitab ki ofri tès depistaj pou moun ki gen mwens chans epi ki vwayaje aletranje pou bay founiti lekòl ak klinik mobil. Òganizasyon li te ede plis pase 400 timoun.
As a co-founder of Clinic Klinic, a cutting-edge medical clinic that puts patient care and well-being at the forefront, Manouchka is dedicated to ensuring that her patients receive the best care possible. Through her extensive experience and knowledge, she has become a trusted and respected healthcare provider within the community at large.
Born in Grand Goâve, Haiti, Manouchka Lominy has always had a strong passion for giving back to her community and helping those in need. This drive to make a difference led her to establish Marching For Humanity, Inc., a charitable organization that provides essential screening services to less fortunate individuals and supports children's education in Grand Goâve, Haiti. Under Manouchka's leadership, Marching For Humanity has assisted more than 400 children by providing them with much-needed school supplies and mobile clinic services.
Manouchka's philanthropic endeavors extend beyond Marching For Humanity. As a founding member of Entrepreneurial Women In Action, she works tirelessly to empower and support female entrepreneurs in their pursuit of success. By helping women achieve their goals, Manouchka believes that she is not only making a positive impact on their lives but also contributing to the overall success and development of her community.
She understands the importance of maintaining balance in life and the value of personal growth. Her dedication to helping others achieve their goals and reach their full potential led her to create Bella Chacha Coaching LLC, a life coaching service that offers guidance and support to individuals who are seeking to better themselves and their lives.
Throughout her career, Manouchka Lominy has been recognized for her unwavering commitment to her patients, her community, and her philanthropic efforts. Her devotion to providing the highest quality healthcare services, coupled with her passion for making a difference in the lives of others, has made her an invaluable asset to the Clinic Klinic team.
Manouchka's extensive experience in women's health care, adult health, gerontology, and philanthropy has not only earned her the respect and admiration of her colleagues but has also made a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals who have benefitted from her care and compassion.
Manouchka Lominy MSN, APN-BC

Madam Manouchka Lominy se yon Enfimyè Praktisyonè ki sètifye nan Komisyon Konsèy ak plis pase 20 ane eksperyans divès kalite sante pwofesyonèl. Okòmansman, li te resevwa yon diplòm nan City College of City University of New York kòm yon enfimyè ki anrejistre. Apre plizyè ane pratik, li te ale nan Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University pou pouswiv yon metriz nan enfimyè ak yon konsantre sou swen sante fanm. Apre yon ane, li te resevwa sètifika post-mèt li nan Sante Adilt ak Enfimyè Praktisyonè Gerontology (NP).
Anplis bay swen nan Klinik Klinik, Madam Lominy se yon filantwòs. Li se fondatè Marching For Humanity, Inc., yon òganizasyon charitab ki ofri tès depistaj pou moun ki gen mwens chans epi ki vwayaje aletranje pou bay founiti lekòl ak klinik mobil. Òganizasyon li te ede plis pase 400 timoun.
his pediatric residency from 1981 to 1983 and internal medicine residency from 1983 to 1986 at Bronx Lebanon Hospital Medical Center in Bronx, NY.
In addition to his expertise in internal medicine, Dr. Philippe's specialties include allergy and immunology. He performs tests and therapies to treat abnormal immune system reactions and manages immune system disorders. As an internal medicine specialist with a focus on allergy and immunology, Dr. Philippe treats significant diseases and conditions affecting the immune system.
Currently, Dr. Philippe serves as the Medical Director for Clinic Klinic LLC, a leading healthcare provider located in Marietta, GA. Under his guidance, Clinic Klinic offers comprehensive services in internal medicine, allergy, and immunology, demonstrating his commitment to advancing these fields and providing exceptional patient care.
Throughout his career, Dr. Philippe has held various positions at esteemed institutions, including Medical Director at AIRIS Allergy Connection in Atlanta, GA, and Attending Physician at Atlanta Medical Center and Fulton County Health and Wellness Department. Additionally, he has served as Medical Director at Lee Arrendale State Prison and as Attending Physician at Montefiore Medical Center, Department of Catholic Medical Centers of Queen and Brooklyn, and Good Samaritan Hospital Emergency Room.
Dr. Philippe has also made significant contributions to medical research, participating in numerous clinical trials as a sub-investigator. He has been involved in studies related to diabetes mellitus, chronic idiopathic constipation, Crohn's disease, and various infectious diseases, including influenza and COVID-19.
With his extensive professional experience and involvement in medical research, Dr. Philippe's expertise and commitment to his profession make him an invaluable asset to the Clinic Klinic team in Marietta, GA, and the medical community at large.